This month, Allen, Marla, and D’Vaun had the opportunity to visit several of our partners along the northeast coast of the U.S.
Partnership with ACE isn’t just about coming to Jamaica and helping us with our agenda’s for success in St. Mary. A partnership is about ACE coming to your hometown and seeing you in your environment and with your families. The Fall is a good time for us to travel, so you can imagine how excited we were to be invited to speak at a breakfast, visit services, and have one-on-one conversations with friends who are not sweating from the heat and work load we have in Jamaica.
When we walked into places to see friends, there was always this “recalibration” moment as people looked at us a little stunned, wondering if it was really us or a clean replica of ACE! Funny enough, we did the same. And we are here to tell you, WOW!! All of you look fabulous in real clothes, clean hair and even a tint of color outside of your cheeks!
Thank you all for making us feel like superstars. We touched down last week with a smile still on our faces. We needed that time with friends of ACE and hope you enjoyed us as much as we did you!!