It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas
So many miraculous things have happened at ACE in 2024 that listing them all would turn this last newsletter of the year into a novel. Instead, we decided to share highlights with pictures below, since photos tell a thousand words.
Starting with the most recent highlight, we hosted a fantastic Christmas party at the ACE office for all of our sponsor children and their families. We even had some ACE friends/donors volunteer for two weeks to help provide a lot of fun and act as Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus.
Throughout the year, we’ve seen the hand of God answer prayers that we’ve asked for and provided help from our ACE family like you. Our 840-acre farm, where our micro-businesses begin, was paid in full. This allows ACE to focus on impacting more families and giving individuals who are within walking distance a chance to earn and provide for their families.
Another prayer answered: The ACE Mobile Infirmary program has located and started helping over 100 senior citizens around our community in great need of housing, food, love, and tender attention.
Our leadership has been growing in leaps and bounds as Marla and Allen take more of a back seat on the ground with ACE to focus on developing and promoting ACE. Mr. and Mrs. Foster have everyone on the move, cross-utilizing jobs and introducing our hotel staff to the real “why” of service by taking them out with our ACE team to visit those neglected and needy in our community.
While the economy continues to suffer here in Jamaica, ACE is doing our best to stay ahead of the price increases with prayers of wisdom on how to spend what we receive. That is very important to us, and we never want to forget that it’s because of your generosity that we are able to make such a big difference in the lives of the families God sends our way.
Our motto at ACE is “Love God, Love People.” We at ACE believe it’s the only way to live life. We hope you feel the same way and remember that the main reason for Christmas is always about celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas won’t be complete without the story of why God sent His only Son to get us back to where God created us to be, and that’s to be free to live and love a God and Savior that has never left us hanging.
We wish all of you a happy Christmas and one in which you impact someone in your family or community with the good news of Jesus. The “why” behind the true holiday.