A Word From Arlene – Gathering in Peace
Most of you know Arlene, whom we wrote about in last month’s newsletter. She is our long-time and frequent volunteer who always brings work ethic and words of wisdom with her on every trip. This was her take on our new happenings at the Peace House.
I’ve been here in Jamaica to witness all the ups and downs that have occurred while trying to get our Peace House built. It hasn’t been easy, but Marla never faltered in her determination to bring the message of God’s love to people who often do not attend church. It was all in God’s hands and His timing is always perfect!
Earlier this month, some of our sponsored families, farm staff, and ACE staff came together for our first Thursday gathering. It began with a time to get to know one another by playing games, engaging in ice-breaker conversations, and then to share a meal as families. After that, it was time to learn about God, by starting at the beginning of the Bible. Those present had many questions, and Pastor Omar was able to answer all of them with his usual good humor but, most importantly, with biblical truth. He never wavered in sharing what the Bible has to say in response to each question. Everyone is now looking forward to our weekly gatherings.
I also want to thank the Byrns for providing not only the plates and cups for the Peace House dinners, but also the incredible books for our children when we conduct our reading “out loud” book time. Please pray that God will continue to be honored each week and that all will come to accept God’s gift of love — salvation through Christ’s death for their sins.