by American- Caribbean Experience | Oct 22, 2019 | Community, Outreach
We have enjoyed the multi-colored logo of ACE for many years. Like seasons that change, we thought it was time for a new leaner and simpler ACE look. Let us know what you think! We love it, especially with its nod to the wave from our previous logo!
We equate the new look to changing out of the same ol’ clothes into a fresh new pair of jeans! We’d love to hear what sort of logo merchandise you’d like to see in our gift shop!
by American- Caribbean Experience | Oct 14, 2019 | Community, Discipleship, Education, Outreach
For years, we’ve been talking about building our own school. Then our plans changed, as God withheld the property we had hoped would open up for a school, at least for now. Believing God’s timing is far better than ours, we pulled back. ACE wanted to build a special needs school at one time but found that putting both schools together would not attract the local families, as there seems to be a stigma with joining a special needs school with a regular school.
Every day for the past five years, as we drive to the ACE Campus, we pass a school called Edge Hill . You might have seen it – the name is on a big Digicel sign. In checking online, we realized that the Digicel Foundation had in fact built this school for the 30+ students who were assessed as special needs. Remember when your parents and teachers would say to you, “Never assume, always ask?” Well, I must have forgotten that because I assumed Digicel was actively involved in the day-to-day needs of running the school. I was wrong.
After meeting the vice principal, Mrs. Lee when ACE donated the stove a few months ago, we learned that Digicel only built the building but doesn’t support the actual operation and costs involved to run the school. And that’s when ACE enthusiastically said, “We will!!!” We became partners this year with Edge Hill Special Needs School and feel honored to have access to the students and wonderful teachers.
Our first interaction with the students was last week, when our friends and partners at Castine Church conducted our first home economics and shop classes for the students. Eyes got wide and smiles began when we opened the chocolate chip cookie mix and the peanut butter cookies. Who doesn’t love cookies?!
While the cookies were being made, another class on table-setting was being conducted across the hall. Setting a table with forks and knives might come in handy if the Mayor were to stop by. The best part of was cutting the peanut butter sandwiches before eating them.
In another class room, the shop students all built sailboats. Using drills and an electric saw, our expert volunteers allowed the students to actually cut and drill into their wood for their boats. I’m not sure which had a greater impact, using the equipment or finishing their boats! It was a wonderful time. The school asked if we would be willing to sponsor some of their students as the need is great. Of course! We are honored to have so many volunteers on a waiting list to adopt/sponsor students so that should be an easy ask.
Next time you visit us in Jamaica, bring us some home economics stories and cooking items. Cookie sheets, pots, pans,, bowls, spoons – you name it, they need it. And if you are the shop kind of person, bring your old tools, new tools, levels, safety goggles, measuring tapes, and anything to build. They love it and, frankly, so do we!!
by American- Caribbean Experience | Aug 19, 2019 | Community, Education, Outreach

Not only do the sponsored students get field trips with ACE each year, but we take the entire grade with us — and this season was no different. Students in primary schools study local community and government just like in the states. Remember when you were young and went on a field trip to the capitol or maybe the police station? Our little ones get the same experience. With ACE providing the means and schedule, our students enjoyed the day in Port Maria, learning all about their local community.
We visited the police station where students received a talk from the sergeant about safety and laws, then the mayor gave the students his undivided attention to answer questions. Another group was addressing letters to themselves and mailing them from the post office. The funny part about this field trip is that our own ACE staff seemed to enjoy it as much or more than the students. We even learned that our grown adults had never addressed and stamped and mailed a letter at their own post office. A real change in times, right? What a great experience for everyone!
After lunch with patties, the students received the finale at the fire station, where they got to climb into the firetruck and hold a hose spraying water. Is it any wonder all our third graders decided they wanted to be part of local government? Jobs like fireman, policeman, and postal attendant were all at the top of their lists, but no one wanted to be mayor! Perhaps it was the big desk he sat behind that looked very large or scary. Either way, we are grateful for our local servants in Port Maria for making the two days of field trips very educational and fun.
by American- Caribbean Experience | Jul 20, 2019 | Community, Outreach
Our famous experienced canners returned to Jamaica again this winter to see how our mothers and staff were doing in canning food since last year. All of our canners from the States were pleasantly surprised to find not only was canning going well, but our ladies had branched out into making preserves.
As the week began, everyone who canned last year got to open their jars from a year ago and prepare for lunch at the Campus. Part of the canning program is not just about canning meats and soups and vegetables but also demonstrating how these sealed jars can last a year or more on a shelf inside a home that doesn’t have air conditioning or refrigeration. Many of our Jamaicans had raised eyebrows as they wondered if the chicken they canned a year ago would be good to eat.
Carefully and methodically, the cans were opened and the food heated and put in with the rice. It was funny to watch as each National waited on the other one to eat first. Of course, our American counterparts dove in and then, everything was okay! Lots of food, lots of laughter and lots of sharing all week in between the new canning. Thank you, ladies, for making a great concept for Jamaica come alive at the Campus.
by American- Caribbean Experience | Mar 6, 2019 | Community, Discipleship, Outreach
While it is now officially spring, ACE had an incredible winter season in Jamaica. Our 10th annual Men and Women’s Conference turned out to be a huge success, even with many changes taking place.
For ten years, God has provided ACE with wonderful teachers, musicians, and volunteers to set the stage for our three-night conference, a conference that began years ago with only six attendees in a church in Trinity. While numbers are not a true sign of success, we must admit having more than six attend encourages us that we are moving in the right direction. With over a 150 attending this year’s conference, held at the beautiful Galina Breeze Hotel, our theme was “Be Doers, not just Hearers”.
And doers we were! Our regular worship leaders could not attend this year, so that left Allen and Marla to sing and lead worship – just kidding! Actually, as He always does, God came through and provided two worship leaders from the Atlanta area and a young couple already in Jamaica to come together for the first time and deliver three incredible nights of music and worship.
Our wonderful Pastor Helen showed up each evening to deliver a supernatural inspired message to all the women as we crowded into the Henry Morgan room to soak up the atmosphere. And what an atmosphere – very calming, peaceful, and yet energizing at the same time. The men crowded into to the Louise Bennet room downstairs, engaged in the ongoing conversation and teaching of Dave Duff and the other men on his team. Thank you to the long-standing work of Trinity on the Hill and the many individuals who gave up vacation days to volunteer their time and talent! Our 10th Annual Conference was once again a big success and a confirmation that little can be much when God is in it.