Trust God’s Calling
Chelsea Peterson served on ACE’s iQuest internship program in 2014. But the journey to get there brought about its own set of challenges and need for dependence on God. The following is her story that she shared with our team.
This month marks the 10-year anniversary of my time as an iQuest intern at ACE. When I look back at everything God did that summer, even before I was accepted into the program, I am amazed at His goodness and faithfulness.
I am type A personality through and through. I want everything planned to a “T” before I ever commit to saying yes to something. Some call it a control issue, I like to say I’m just very organized… Flash back to 10 years ago, when I felt God calling me to apply for the ACE internship going into the summer after my second year of college.
I had been to Jamaica twice already for a week at a time the previous two years, and I KNEW without a shadow of a doubt that I was going to get that internship. I had never been more sure of something God wanted for my life before.
And guess what? I didn’t get in.
I honestly can’t remember the reason I was told; something about someone who was supposed to intern the year prior but had to back out was able to come this year. Needless to say, I was devastated. Not even particularly because I didn’t get in, but because I was so sure that’s where God wanted me to be. Oh, and now I had to totally reorganize my plans for the summer.
A couple of months went by, and I had started filling my upcoming summer with a job, family beach trip, and different outings with friends. And just as everything started coming together, I got a call from Marla. Another something came up, and the internship was mine if I still wanted it.
Of course I wanted it. But my controlling mind was freaking out. So many logistics to think through – now I have to cancel all my summer plans, plan and pack for the internship, AND raise the funds to be able to actually get to Jamaica. All in about a month.
Somewhere in the craziness of all of the preparation, it hit me – God was already working in my life through the months leading up to the internship.
Where I felt unequipped and even unwanted since I wasn’t originally accepted into the internship, He was gently reminding me that I had the internship all along. Because it was His plan for me. He just needed me to release control and trust in Him and His timing, not my own.
Not surprisingly, God came through in every way, helping me raise the funds I needed, get everything in order, and have the best summer of my life. A summer that pushed and challenged and strengthened me in every possible way – physically, spiritually, emotionally, professionally, mentally, etc.
And I wouldn’t change it for the world.