Marla’s Minute: ACE Expands Another Notch

Marla’s Minute: ACE Expands Another Notch

We have been so blessed to see another generation of our ACE family coming into the world. Earlier this month, D’Vaun and Saskia gave birth to a healthy baby boy named Christovaun Azhani! D’Vaun already gave him a pet name, Markhus. Whichever name you decide to call him, he probably won’t respond for a few months.  

D’Vaun, as you all may know, came to ACE many years ago. We were officially his first job. He met Saskia who was our ACE Administrator at the time, and they soon fell in love. While ACE doesn’t claim to be in the match making business, we seem to be pretty good at introducing great people to each other. And we get to be a part of all the fun! In fact, just weeks ago, ACE provided the perfect spot for a baby shower at our lower ruins. 

We are so happy for Saskia and D’Vaun on this new adventure! Welcome Markhus, and know you have many godparents praying for you always!  

Children are a gift from the Lord. They are a reward from Him.” Psalm 127:3 

And They’re Off! 

And They’re Off! 

“And we’re off” is what we say at ACE when we get ready to drive out of the office to begin our day, but in this case, it’s the students who are off, heading back to class. We have a lot of little sayings around ACE, like the abbreviation “BBD” – that might not mean anything to you (maybe Big Bad Dog?), but to us, it means Book Bag Distribution.  

In Jamaica, classes begin on all different weeks and days in September, depending on the school. This may sound confusing, but for ACE, it gives us a chance to address the individual needs for each child being sponsored. This includes assessing items provided through regular sponsorship and team donations, and, if something else is needed, ACE adds to it. With our staff and Arlene being present this year, each day went very smoothly. After fifteen years of providing sponsorship for our children, perhaps we now have the system down, so the confusion stays at a minimum. 

Enjoy our collage of pictures of our students getting ready for their first day of the next grade. We wish we had a video to give you the sound and the laughter of the day, as we all came together to see each other and prepare for the new school year. 

Thank you all for supporting these students who are growing up fast! They are looking forward to seeing their friends again, prepared to read, write and learn with supplies in hand!  

A Word From Arlene – Gathering in Peace 

A Word From Arlene – Gathering in Peace 

Most of you know Arlene, whom we wrote about in last month’s newsletter. She is our long-time and frequent volunteer who always brings work ethic and words of wisdom with her on every trip. This was her take on our new happenings at the Peace House.   

I’ve been here in Jamaica to witness all the ups and downs that have occurred while trying to get our Peace House built. It hasn’t been easy, but Marla never faltered in her determination to bring the message of God’s love to people who often do not attend church. It was all in God’s hands and His timing is always perfect!   

Earlier this month, some of our sponsored families, farm staff, and ACE staff came together for our first Thursday gathering. It began with a time to get to know one another by playing games, engaging in ice-breaker conversations, and then to share a meal as families. After that, it was time to learn about God, by starting at the beginning of the Bible. Those present had many questions, and Pastor Omar was able to answer all of them with his usual good humor but, most importantly, with biblical truth. He never wavered in sharing what the Bible has to say in response to each question. Everyone is now looking forward to our weekly gatherings.  

I also want to thank the Byrns for providing not only the plates and cups for the Peace House dinners, but also the incredible books for our children when we conduct our reading “out loud” book time. Please pray that God will continue to be honored each week and that all will come to accept God’s gift of love — salvation through Christ’s death for their sins. 

Cloud 9 and Pat soar to a Higher Level

Cloud 9 and Pat soar to a Higher Level

Our own chocolatier, Patricia, was granted a visa to enter the US for a much-anticipated conference in Atlantic City on chocolate. Thanks to so many of our friends in the New Jersey area who arranged the housing details and for Bruce Smith to secure the invite to the conference, Pat is moving up in her chocolate-making knowledge, which will help us to expand and improve our Cloud 9 products. 

Our friends of ACE at Bethel Baptist just couldn’t hold back on giving Pat the best American experience, so after her conference, she was taken to all the top places every Jamaican wants to see – starting with Walmart! Chick-fil-A was also on the list, and she even had a trip with our friends, Hope and Bruce, to Atlantic City and Ocean City!  

Then Pat flew to Indiana to be with our Rebel Ministries friends, Tina and Luke, for a few days where she got on a bike with Tina and did a four-mile ride. Pat reminisced about how she used to ride on her father’s bike when she was little, and now she has new memories. A stop in the states cannot go without a one-nighter in Atlanta to see a few of her best friends, like Tina and Ms. Betty. 

Thank you all for making this trip possible for Pat. Her horizons have been broadened, and we at ACE had the pleasure of watching it all come to life! 

Marla’s Minute: What a Summer!

Marla’s Minute: What a Summer!

We want to give a big thank you to all the wonderful volunteers and sponsors whose generosity and time made this summer a great success.

ACE is in full swing for fall and, after three years of prayers, concerns, and faith walks, we as a staff feel that God has restored all the lost time we experienced during the “Covid” years.

This summer, ACE has invested in many Jamaicans’ lives through our VBS series, entitled Twists and Turns. The theme teaches us all that we can go with the flow and not be filled with anxiety or anger when God has our backs. Our building projects and home repairs for our elderly through our ACE Mobile Infirmary made a lot of senior residents very happy. Many hands made the work light for our ACE staff on the ground, from thrift sale preparation to feeding and loving on the animals (my favorite). 

Dr. Baribeau and his team of volunteers finished up the season with dental and medical exams for all our sponsored students needing attention. What a great send off! Now we are gearing up for Book Bag Distribution Day as school begins first full week in September.

Thank you all for supporting us and bringing us back to “above even” as they say in the ACE world. We are making a great impact in St. Mary because of your investment into the lives that are changing communities.

Always grateful

Marla and Allen

A Word From D’Vaun: Nicoya’s Story

A Word From D’Vaun: Nicoya’s Story

In our years of changing lives and transforming communities, God always places the people who He wants us to touch within our reach. We never aspire to do more than God has equipped us to do, thus our mantra of “Deep not Wide”.

Over the years, we have made connections with children like Alvana, Tahj, Anthony, Justin (I could keep going). These are always kids who would require us to put in practice God’s command in Psalms 68:5. Our only requirement is to plant the seed of opportunity and God will increase these children (now adults) the way He intends.

Meet Nicoya. God placed her in our path a few years ago under circumstances that weren’t typical for ACE. Under normal circumstances, the children sponsored by ACE are initiated at the infant or primary grade level, and then, based on how well they performed on their GSAT (grade six achievement test) for high school placement, ACE would continue to invest in their education at a higher level. Normally, regular Primary sponsorship is based on need, while Second Story sponsorship (or high school level) is based on need plus effort on the part of the child. We met Nicoya in 10th grade which is basically the end of a typical child’s sponsorship tenure.

For a now eighteen-year-old, Nicoya has had experiences that would make some thirty-six-year-olds crumble to their core. Without overlooking her right to privacy and maintaining her confidence, I can summarize her experiences as having lived a life deficient of stability, unconditional love, and the innocence of being a child. Having to endure trauma after trauma, who could blame her if she succumbed to the expectation of a life in abysmal dishevelment?

But thank God, though she went through the fire, He was still there. Though she went through the flood, she was not swept away (Isaiah 43:2). God still provided sunbeams of hope, and one of those rays landed her in the reach of ACE through sponsorship.

Over the summer, we’ve gotten to be a part of the better side of Nicoya’s story; she’s been our unofficial intern. She has been able to see, through the teams that come and serve, a lot more of God’s love and purpose in her life. There were persons who unknowingly reminded her that she was specially created by God and, though she may be on the Potter’s wheel, He’s making her into a beautiful vessel of purpose. At this point in her journey, she’s completed her high school exams, and we are trying to assist her with what comes next: college, 6th form (12th and 13th grade) or coming on full-time as an ACE staff member.

Our God does all things well and we know that His plans are a million times better than our plans, so, as we love on Nicoya and try to epitomize God’s love for her, we ask you to keep her in your prayers. If the Lord speaks to your heart to do more, we welcome you to send your ideas or support through Amber, our Stateside Child Sponsorship Coordinator ( We know that Nikoya’s future will be radiant – God is not through with her yet!!