ACE adds Super Student Status!

For many years now, ACE has focused on helping our students and their families push through the barrier and challenges of living in poverty to achieve a higher level of education through the child sponsorship program. ACE is now on its 10th year of sponsoring St. Mary children. We thought we would give you some factual information on how education can impact a student and their families if we make a commitment to stick with sponsorship.

Tahjebe Suer is making the Super Student Status with ACE.  

It’s not every day that a student like Tahj comes along, but when he does we have to highlight his hard work and desire to move forward in his studies. We told you about him back in July’s newsletter. Several years ago, when little Tahj was just in Primary school, ACE began sponsoring him at Water Valley Primary School and then on to high school at St. Mary where he graduated top of his class. Tahj has a vision to become a Ship Captain, and last year in faith he applied to the Caribbean Maritime University located in Kingston. This is a prestigious school with 100% job placement that costs an average of $12K US per year to attend.

Tahj was accepted and worked with ACE all summer to earn money for his books and food. While he was busy helping ACE, we were praying about where the money was going to come from. By now, we should all know God comes through every time when He is brought into it – and, as usual, several men and women who have followed Tahj and his family heard God’s call, stepped up and committed the funds needed to get him through this first year.

Last week, Tahj was given the prestigious award of being the number one student in his class for excellence and grades!!  We are so proud!! That’s why ACE has a created a new level of child sponsorship called Super Student Status – Tahj, this is for you and your family! Look for Tahj this summer as he intends to be working full time with ACE again. Let him know how proud you are. We certainly smile every time we hear that name.

Now, comes year two. We are praying again for the funds to come in for his second out of four years at school. Want to help? Let us know!

Who does Field Trips anymore?  ACE Does!

Who does Field Trips anymore? ACE Does!

Not only do the sponsored students get field trips with ACE each year, but we take the entire grade with us — and this season was no different. Students in primary schools study local community and government just like in the states. Remember when you were young and went on a field trip to the capitol or maybe the police station? Our little ones get the same experience. With ACE providing the means and schedule, our students enjoyed the day in Port Maria, learning all about their local community.

We visited the police station where students received a talk from the sergeant about safety and laws, then the mayor gave the students his undivided attention to answer questions. Another group was addressing letters to themselves and mailing them from the post office. The funny part about this field trip is that our own ACE staff seemed to enjoy it as much or more than the students. We even learned that our grown adults had never addressed and stamped and mailed a letter at their own post office. A real change in times, right? What a great experience for everyone!

After lunch with patties, the students received the finale at the fire station, where they got to climb into the firetruck and hold a hose spraying water. Is it any wonder all our third graders decided they wanted to be part of local government? Jobs like fireman, policeman, and postal attendant were all at the top of their lists, but no one wanted to be mayor! Perhaps it was the big desk he sat behind that looked very large or scary. Either way, we are grateful for our local servants in Port Maria for making the two days of field trips very educational and fun.


Can we can? You bet we can!

Our famous experienced canners returned to Jamaica again this winter to see how our mothers and staff were doing in canning food since last year. All of our canners from the States were pleasantly surprised to find not only was canning going well, but our ladies had branched out into making preserves.

As the week began, everyone who canned last year got to open their jars from a year ago and prepare for lunch at the Campus. Part of the canning program is not just about canning meats and soups and vegetables but also demonstrating how these sealed jars can last a year or more on a shelf inside a home that doesn’t have air conditioning or refrigeration. Many of our Jamaicans had raised eyebrows as they wondered if the chicken they canned a year ago would be good to eat.

Carefully and methodically, the cans were opened and the food heated and put in with the rice. It was funny to watch as each National waited on the other one to eat first. Of course, our American counterparts dove in and then, everything was okay! Lots of food, lots of laughter and lots of sharing all week in between the new canning. Thank you, ladies, for making a great concept for Jamaica come alive at the Campus.

Summer Surprise

Remember when someone in your class at school, a friend or a neighbor copied something you wore or did to your hair? And when you told your parents, their reply was, “Well, copying someone is just a form of a compliment because they liked what you did and want to do that, too”?

When our ACE staff came together to discuss agendas and programs we wanted to implement this summer with our communities and students, a neat request emerged. Our ACE and Galina Breeze employees expressed a desire to have their own children come to work with them and be exposed to “give back” as it’s called here in Jamaica, a term for volunteering.

It’s true – our staff has been so impressed with how American families and youth give back that they wanted their own children to be see it in action, people working for a cause outside of themselves. Wow, what a great unexpected surprise!

Beginning in July, we will have about 20 of our Jamaican students coming to work with their parents but dropped off at the ACE office four days a week for breakfast and preparation time. Then, depending on ages and needs, the Jamaican students will join the American volunteers each day to learn and copy their counter parts in how to give back to their communities… and each other.

We are thinking of calling it the FVT or Future Volunteers Club and would love to raise about $4,300 to cover the costs of t-shirts, tutors, food and transportation. Please consider helping us out to prepare the next generation of difference-makers! And get ready for some copy cats to follow you this summer! It’s really the highest form of a compliment — changing lives and transforming communities, one volunteer at a time.

Kal moves into his home!!

Some of you may remember ACE building Kal a home in the Galina area a few years ago. During that time, one of his peers who was working with ACE then, Lecepth, ran into some challenging problems where he, his wife and two children were living. Lecepth asked if he could rent the house ACE was building for Kal until he could get his home built right next door.

Kal and ACE agreed, allowing Lecepth to rent his home for approximately $28US a month. Many of you and your churches helped complete what is now the prettiest house in the neighborhood.

Lecepth and his family are now safely in their home next door, and Kal is finally in his! Needless to say, Kal is quite happy. For the first time in his life, he has his own water meter in his name and, soon, his own electric meter. Why is that a big deal? In Jamaica, many people “borrow” electricity from the power company. We used to see in the paper where people were electrocuted weekly. Unfortunately, it hasn’t stopped and many times, church people are guilty of the very same thing. But Kal officially owns his own utilities, and this speaks volumes for who he is. He may be deaf, but he knows that part of ownership is taking responsibility.

And he loves the colors Marla picked out for him! All he needs now, he says, is a swimming pool in the back yard!  Congrats, Kal, for a growing up and becoming independent.

Marla’s Minute: How Jamaicans Enjoy the Beach

Marla’s Minute: How Jamaicans Enjoy the Beach

ACE enjoyed a wonderful spring break with our volunteers. We so appreciate individuals taking time out of their lives in the U.S. to give back to Jamaica.  As much fun as we have with teams, it is a lot of work, so two weeks ago on a Friday, we surprised our National ACE staff with an outing to a beach that no one had visited before.

Jamaicans enjoy the beach differently than most Americans. I know my first order of business is to always scope out the best place to get my lounge chair situated. Then I look for the closest snack bar and find some place where the waiter comes to me versus me parading around the pool to get a drink (do I sound middle class?).

Not our ACE team – they went straight for the tables in the shade and set up their dominoes and got two teams going. Then the girls walked around and took pictures of themselves and tested the pool. No one went in the ocean. Arlene and I loved it… just watching everyone have fun and do nothing. For those of you who forget to celebrate events no matter how small, just find a Jamaican to relax with for a day and you will enjoy even the little moments.  Our staff definitely deserved a day of rest in anticipation of seeing all your smiling faces this summer.

We will be thinking of you all as we celebrate this beautiful Easter season.  I am a lover of painted eggs, but Easter is really about the big fact that separates Judeo Christianity from all religions — the resurrection of Jesus Christ. If you don’t believe that part, the rest is all a fun story. The Easter Bunny is all about marketing – great for chocolate companies, and we all love chocolate – but the real gift is the one given by Jesus for all of us. Keep that in your hearts!

Blessings, and Happy Easter!
