A Word From D’Vaun: Nicoya’s Story
In our years of changing lives and transforming communities, God always places the people who He wants us to touch within our reach. We never aspire to do more than God has equipped us to do, thus our mantra of “Deep not Wide”.
Over the years, we have made connections with children like Alvana, Tahj, Anthony, Justin (I could keep going). These are always kids who would require us to put in practice God’s command in Psalms 68:5. Our only requirement is to plant the seed of opportunity and God will increase these children (now adults) the way He intends.
Meet Nicoya. God placed her in our path a few years ago under circumstances that weren’t typical for ACE. Under normal circumstances, the children sponsored by ACE are initiated at the infant or primary grade level, and then, based on how well they performed on their GSAT (grade six achievement test) for high school placement, ACE would continue to invest in their education at a higher level. Normally, regular Primary sponsorship is based on need, while Second Story sponsorship (or high school level) is based on need plus effort on the part of the child. We met Nicoya in 10th grade which is basically the end of a typical child’s sponsorship tenure.
For a now eighteen-year-old, Nicoya has had experiences that would make some thirty-six-year-olds crumble to their core. Without overlooking her right to privacy and maintaining her confidence, I can summarize her experiences as having lived a life deficient of stability, unconditional love, and the innocence of being a child. Having to endure trauma after trauma, who could blame her if she succumbed to the expectation of a life in abysmal dishevelment?
But thank God, though she went through the fire, He was still there. Though she went through the flood, she was not swept away (Isaiah 43:2). God still provided sunbeams of hope, and one of those rays landed her in the reach of ACE through sponsorship.
Over the summer, we’ve gotten to be a part of the better side of Nicoya’s story; she’s been our unofficial intern. She has been able to see, through the teams that come and serve, a lot more of God’s love and purpose in her life. There were persons who unknowingly reminded her that she was specially created by God and, though she may be on the Potter’s wheel, He’s making her into a beautiful vessel of purpose. At this point in her journey, she’s completed her high school exams, and we are trying to assist her with what comes next: college, 6th form (12th and 13th grade) or coming on full-time as an ACE staff member.
Our God does all things well and we know that His plans are a million times better than our plans, so, as we love on Nicoya and try to epitomize God’s love for her, we ask you to keep her in your prayers. If the Lord speaks to your heart to do more, we welcome you to send your ideas or support through Amber, our Stateside Child Sponsorship Coordinator (amber@acexperience.org). We know that Nikoya’s future will be radiant – God is not through with her yet!!