ACE goes DEEP and not WIDE

ACE goes DEEP and not WIDE

How many times have you heard ACE say “ACE goes deep, not wide” about the way we do life with our community? In three decades, we’ve never changed that direction of depth vs width. We can’t reach every single person in St. Mary, but we hope that those we DO reach and invest in – emotionally, spiritually, financially – will be changed for the better as they then go out to help others.

Do you remember little Orlando from Bonny Gate? We remember meeting him when he was in third grade at Jackson Primary, one of our first sponsored schools. Orlando would run up with eggs in his hand to give us from some of his wild chickens in the yard.

As you may know, that little boy grew up and became the caretaker of Pastor Kermit until he passed earlier this year, and now Orlando’s farming again.

He was one of ACE’s first recipients of a loan with which he purchased his first cow named Betsy. Orlando now owns thirteen cows and sells them to grow his other farm business – pigs. Just this month, he called and asked if we needed any piggies as his pigs Penney and Peggy both had 14 babies each.  Now that’s a record!

The farming experience has not only been educational and profitable for Orlando, but it’s been a spiritual journey as well. When Orlando first began to raise pigs, he had a big beautiful one named Tamarind.  A man in the community with a reputation for being cruel poisoned Orlando’s pig out of jealousy.  Tamarind died a horrible death, and Orlando was devastated and very angry. Years later, as the wicked man lay on his death bed, he asked for Orlando to visit him. Orlando didn’t want to go, but his curiosity got the best of him. The man asked his forgiveness.

ACE provides the opportunities, and opportunities provide life lessons and purpose. We are very proud of our young men like Orlando; no matter how many challenges pull them off the path, they get right back on and do what they are called to do. In Orlando’s case, that’s farming, which creates a business for him and food for others. Our investment in relationships runs deep, and that will make all the difference.

Please keep Orlando in your prayers as he still struggles with the loss of Pastor Kermit whom he called “father”. He still has us and we will be there for the long haul.

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Marla’s Minute: My Parents are Here!

Marla’s Minute: My Parents are Here!

Funny how statements like this take on a different meaning depending on what stage of life you are presently living in. As a teenager, that statement meant hide the (you fill in the blank) or, quick, turn off the TV and break out the books. But today, in this stage of my life, saying to everyone who calls or comes by “My parents are here!” takes on a sweet tone of pride and appreciation. As most of you may know, Fred Alcott, whom I call dad, is really my stepfather. He’s married to my mom (whom I still call mommy), and, even in their 80s, they are quite active.

And boy, are they here! As I write this note, Fred is out with a D6 (big front loader) designing a water runoff swell so ACE can get their long-awaited football field under way with real turf. We’ve been delayed for a year due to the fact that the ground is so hard and we had water running through the middle of the field. What we needed most was professional advice on how to eliminate this challenge… and that’s where Fred comes in.

With his background career before retirement, Fred, among many things, worked to manage over four million tons of water for the EPA. Design is what he knows best. Think about how God knew this way back when.

When my parents head back to Kentucky, not only will I have wonderful memories with my mommy and dad, but we now have a great water runoff system for our community football field. Can it get any better than that?

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Child Sponsorship Fun & Friendship!

Child Sponsorship Fun & Friendship!

Curfews and mask mandates have ended! ACE is so happy to restore something we always did before the COVID years, and that is to hold a pool party for our sponsored students and staff families. Our friends and volunteers from the States took full advantage of the opportunity to bring smiles and laughter to our community families. It’s these little things that bring back the normalcy in the lives of children and their parents. Why worry when you can swim!

On a personal note, last summer, a college student came down with a team and learned about our sponsorship program. After returning home, she sent an inquiry through our website and was matched up with a child on our sponsorship list. When Emily returned to Jamaica in March, she was able to meet with Neilo live and in person! They had a great afternoon of getting to know each other. 

As Emily shared at her group’s debrief at the end of the day, every month when she sent in her support for her student, she wondered if she would get to see her sponsored child as sometimes organizations can’t always guarantee an in-person meeting.

ACE does. When Emily saw Neilo, instantly there was a great connection. She told her peers that it was her high for the trip to see how she’s making a difference in someone else’s life, seeing how she truly has impact. We think the Frisbee Emily brought Neilo might have been a winning factor as well, but there is no doubt that a new friendship has been made!

Never think one person can’t make a difference! There are real smiles and real stories behind every donation, especially in our Child Sponsorship program. And there is no experience required to be a sponsor — just love! Thank you all for the awesome support you give ACE through your sponsorships. It does not go unnoticed and we are grateful.

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At the Last Minute

At the Last Minute

As soon as the previous Men and Women’s Conference wraps up each year, we are already setting the date for the next one. So, 2022’s conference dates had been on our calendar since last March, with lots of interest brewing and the format in the making. Our friends from Trinity on the Hill continued to support the program (now in year 16) as the backbone of running the men’s side, Teresa was coming back with many other familiar faces to organize the women, and our long-time worship leader Paul was set to return, and then….

Suddenly, Paul had a huge schedule conflict which meant he sadly had to decline coming to Jamaica. Pastor Helen, who normally presents to the group, could not come again this year as she had family challenges which required her constant attention, and so many other conference veterans had to bow out due to other issues. While we understood, missed them and prayed for their busy lives, we wondered what God was up to. ACE was just weighing the decision to cancel when God gave us another way! Pastor Omar and Lady Stennet from Church on the Rock in Ochi (our local church) said they would be happy to take over the speaking and music this year! Hallelujah!

The theme for this year’s conference was “Stay the Course”.  So many of us have had our world turned upside down and all around. Our comfort zones have been rattled, but, yet, God continues to call us to trust in Him and to stay the course on HIS path. He’s got this covered! When Pastor Omar was told about this theme, he and his wife jumped at it as it resonated in their own hearts that this is what God is calling us all to do.

Everything was executed beautifully, thanks to Teresa and Stephanie, our solid organizers, and our dear Roy who led his Trinity team. The music was great, the theme was something that every person needed to hear, and Roy and Marla got to watch great movies each evening by the pool with the kids under 12; watching animated movies that highlight Biblical stories is right up Roy and Marla’s alley.

Was the conference different? Yes. In many ways, it was better than ever. God led us down the right path to find the perfect people to speak the exact words we needed to hear. We filled our days before each evening’s conference working on the Peace House, helping out in ACE micro-businesses, baking and spending time in fellowship. The group that God brings together (and every year, this is true) is always the best, and we walk the road as a team, helping each other and all our conference participants to Stay the Course! Join us next year; the dates are set: February 25 – March 1, 2023!

Wellness Comes in Many Forms

Wellness Comes in Many Forms

For the first time in two years, ACE has enjoyed having friends come to Jamaica to serve our lonely residents and needy families in St. Mary. This month, Dr. Steve Guy, our Chairman of ACE, brought down some neat friends of ACE.  Some were new, some return volunteers, but all were willing to reach out and help us with our elderly and special needs community.

One of the four impact areas of ACE focuses on wellness. Automatically, most people think of wellness as working out or eating healthy. ACE’s definition of “wellness” covers so much more, as we find the human connection to heal not just physical ailments but emotional and spiritual needs as well. In the past, pre-Covid, we held many Wellness Clinics for medical and dental treatment and visited the infirmary patients, where so many of our medical volunteers so skillfully used their talents and expertise.

These days, clinics are not allowed and the infirmary is still closed to the public after almost two years. We’ve been finding new ways to fill the gap, and our hearts have been moved by the number of in-need families and individuals in our own community. This team of volunteers filled that gap perfectly, as they served the elderly and lonely living around us by simply being present. Love and Rub worked well as did Shaves and Songs. Who says it has to be all medical? Even though our volunteers were in the medical/wellness field, they knew that a little love goes a long way.

We painted, we massaged, we sang – and it was all good. These professionals, who in their daily lives and past trips have focused on medical and dental needs, found that this year was different – it was all about relationships. Many said it was so refreshing! There are many seasons in life, and we are grateful to Dr. Guy and the team for bringing in the “season of love” team. We can’t wait until the Ministry of Health opens up the country for medical and dental health for our community, but in the meantime, we will do what we can to bring wellness in many forms!


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