Physical Education ramps up at Hampstead Primary
For two years, ACE has been unable to help with physical education in the schools due to lockdowns. And how we have missed it, not only for our own health (who doesn’t get in shape keeping up with kids?) but for the joy of playing with the children through energetic, fun activities. But, just as the school year is getting back to normal, the tide has also turned on our PE opportunities!
Hampstead Primary has a new principal who knew about the PE courses with which ACE had assisted in our area primary schools, and she asked us about resuming our lead in the programs. She was very grateful to hear the answer “yes”, and we will officially begin conducting PE according to the Ministry Curriculum two days a week for all grades, 1st – 6th, starting the first week of October.
We are so excited to once again be part of this much-needed activity. Not only will the kids have a blast, we might even have to go down a few sizes in our clothes by next summer as we run, jump and play our way into better physical health.
Teams, be ready for some fun!