Marla’s Minute – Infirmary Update
With 2023 here and lockdowns in the distant past, we at ACE had hoped and prayed the infirmary we had been calling “ours” for so many years would be open, with the residents happy to see all of us and our volunteers. Sadly, that hasn’t happened. Though we keep sending short messages to our friends like Richard and others through employees, telling them that we love them, it isn’t quite the same as getting hugs and face-to-face smiles.
I guess a pity party would be in order or even anger if we allowed ourselves to focus on what we’ve lost not being able to get back in. However, God quickly reminded me that we shouldn’t limit ourselves to just the things we’ve seen and known but to look expectedly to what lies before us – sometimes, in plain sight.
Instead of going to the infirmary, we now visit the families who live near our property that have elderly and infirmed. Our staff goes two times a week, team or no team, and these compassion visits have changed our hearts in so many beautiful ways. Without barriers, we can administer the level of care that they need and ensure that 100% of what we bring goes to the residents of our community. We will be able to go deeper with our assistance and personal connection, knowing God puts us where we are needed. When one door shuts, another door opens. While we still pray for a return to our infirmary family, we are grateful to have found new opportunities to be the hands and feet of Christ.
Yesterday, the ACE staff sent over pictures of their visit to one of our elderly and handicapped neighbors just down the road from ACE office. It’s said that pictures say 1000 words and, well, I think this might be the time to use this phrase.
By the way, we need volunteers who can cut hair on these visits, as well as do shaves, nails, bathing, cleaning and so much more! You don’t need to be a professional, you just need to be available. Bring your skills down to Jamaica!
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