ACE Legacy Campaign

Becoming self-sustaining has been an intentional part of the ACE mission from the beginning, and we have worked hard at building this legacy for 34 years. Through the completion of the purchase of this property, many more businesses will be created which will impact the entire St. Mary Parish. Together, we can show all Jamaicans, volunteers, leaders and seekers that God never is asleep at the stick or deserts His kids in times of trial. 



In October of 2019, God gave ACE an opportunity to purchase an 830-acre farm named Llanrumney which has historical value. With all the funds saved in our emergency account and help from a generous couple to meet the last part of the down payment, ACE was able to close on the property with a 5-year balloon note of $700,000US due in three years from this month. After we came up with the down payment, our coffers were empty. Then COVID hit four months after our closing, changing the entire world, including our world of outreach through ACE. 

The past two years has been a challenge to survive at ACE, as we have been lacking many teams, volunteers, and resources. The good news is we have survived and, while we had to cut our Jamaican staff from almost 60 employees to 23, we are now back up to 40 and holding. Most of this success is due to the fact that we are growing and creating micro-businesses on this Llanrumney farm, becoming increasingly sustainable. 

In order to meet the October 2024 deadline with the $700,000 balloon note due and not have to turn the farm back over the previous owner, we need your help. 

ACE has stood the test of time and the challenges put before us. We have never failed to see God come through in a mighty way. This time will be no exception. 


  • $545,000 of $700,000: $155,000 remaining 78% 78%

updated 07/31/24