Jamaica does have a fall; it’s called hurricane season. The storms off of West Africa roll out into the ocean and forms sandstorms, which stay in the air over Jamaica and cause more heat than normal. Or the storms become hurricanes, which we pray for everything but the rain to stay away. 

As you know, Jamaica got hit by Hurricane Beryl in June. It was a very early storm for the Caribbean. No one was hurt, but our property suffered intense damage as the roads were completely destroyed and our soon-to-be completed greenhouse was leveled to the ground.

We wondered if this was just a small picture of how the summer was going to be, one unexpected storm after another. Thankfully, we were wrong. Our volunteer teams that arrived just after Beryl barreled through were quick to help us with the cleanup. They cleared roads on the farm for the cattle, dismantled our poor greenhouse, and visited our many elderly and disabled neighbors who were without water and food. 

Surprisingly, the theme for this summer’s VBS program was “twists and turns.” ACE touched over 300 students during our VBS outreach programs, and yet, the theme was very fitting for us as well. Our staff was reminded just before the hurricane that God always has a plan for our lives, regardless of the “twists and turns” that life brings.

Now, as more twists and turns come for the States by way of Hurricane Helene, we want to extend a heartfelt prayer to our ACE family. You were there for us in prayer and physcially to help restore ACE’s damaged property after Hurricane Beryl. We are here for you and praying for your safety. May God protect your family, your home, and your community.